This was a fantastic school year in so many ways. The Industrial Cybersecurity program grew from 2 graduates in May 2017, to 3 in 2018, 6 in 2019, to 13 in 2020! (We are enrolled at capacity for Fall 2020, and have started a plan for competitive enrollment for Fall 2021).
I am so pleased with my students. I made the following video to share my congratulations with them.
The students gave their Capstone presentations yesterday. I wish there had been an audience of 100 people there to see how far they had come in two years. Among the projects, we had a student who put together a simple power grid simulation using equipment donated by SEL. We had a student who made an ICS security job posting board. We had several students examine ICS security technology solutions. My personal favorite might have been the student who write a short story about the consequences of not hiring the right industrial cybersecurity talent.
Nothing would make me happier than to have them pass me up in a few years — and I am sure they will!